
005: Los Angeles Plays Itself

is a film "edited" by Thom Andersen in 2003, with a collection of movie clips which were all shoot in the city of Los Angeles.

The movie starts with a quite interesting purposition about how the city of Los Angeles is being changed and intervened by the Hollywood industry. The documentory -like movie takes 3 hours long with 10 minutes interval. It is really like a lecture and you need the patient.

It is ironic to look at places where the directors trying to make it looks as another space and place. The sense of location is therefore lost. And it is especially for Los Angeles because of it's heavy movie industry, the making of scene have become part of the city scape.

However, when it get to the second part. It becomes like a generic narrative that apply to all that could happen in any scenarios in the film making around the world.

Lastly, it depicted all the images/ video clips shown is just about white ideology and living in Los Angeles. There are large part of unseen things about the black.

At this point when Obama becoming the new President, what the director want to say is true but a little bit cliche to me. As well as in the architectural point of view, it's too superficial....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23.1.09


    if u were the director or the audience, what would you like to find out then?


what is your view ?